Diocesan Vision

Vision Statement: Before celebrating the Chrism Mass in 2021, Bishop Ronald Hicks shared with the priests his pastoral vision for the Diocese of Joliet. Three phrases, with a total of five words, comprise his strategic vision statement: 1) “catechesis,” 2) “evangelization,” and 3) “faith in action.”  Let us delve more deeply into this prophetic vision of our new Bishop with complementary insights from our parish’s ChristLife evangelization course.  As we make disciples, build community, and inspire witness, we will be empowered to make our Bishop’s vision a reality in our parish community! 

Catechesis: Proclaim the Kerygma!  Communicate the basic message of salvation.  Explain the “who” and the “why” before the “what” and the “how” of faith.  Too many Catholics have only a superficial understanding of their faith.  They cannot share their faith with others because they cannot adequately explain it among themselves.  If this does not change, there will no longer be a church.  And, if there is no longer a church, both the message and the way to salvation will be lost, and many poor souls will be lost as well.  We have to know our faith, love our faith, and live our faith, before we can effectively share our faith!

Evangelization: We have entered a new Apostolic age!  We are no longer in the age of Christendom.  Cultural Catholicism is dead.  Business as usual is over, and it is not going to come back anytime soon.  It is time for Intentional Disciples to step up to the plate.  We must become committed, confident, and informed disciples; for only disciples can make disciples, and making disciples is what we are all about.  We have a two-fold vocation: the universal call to holiness, and the universal call to mission. What we have discovered, and what we now follow, we must effectively share!

Faith in Action: Become the difference that Christ wants to make in this world!  The world is hurting more than ever before.  Without God there is no hope, and this is becoming more evident every day.  It is as if Jesus is saying to us: “Miss me yet?”  But people don’t know how to turn to the Lord or even why God matters, unless they can see the difference that Jesus makes in our own lives of faith.  When people see it in us, they will be enabled to believe it for themselves.  Let us become credible witnesses of Christ by becoming, in Jesus, the answer to everything that makes this-worldly life so difficult!

Our Response: Our bishop’s pastoral vision for our diocese is superbly addressed in our parish ChristLife course.  The first part of ChristLife, Discovering Christ, presents us with the Kerygma and invites us into a personal relationship with Jesus.  The second part, Following Christ, makes our faith vibrantly real in our own lives in order to prepare us for evangelization.  The final part, Sharing Christ, puts our faith into action by empowering and commissioning us for effective apostolic mission.  Let us establish a foundation for catechesis, evangelization, and faith in action, through our parish ChristLife course!

Saint Daniel the Prophet Catholic Church . . .
Looking Upward in Faith, Moving Forward in Hope, Leading Onward in Love
. . . to New Life in Christ!

We are a faith community of prayer, learning, and service.
Come and join us as Intentional Disciples of Christ!

For more information, please contact our parish office, and check out StDaniel.org/ChristLife.